Man: How dare you interview <Pop!> With me without <Swap!> Chewing our gum! <Snap!> You have <Pop!> To my face! <Snap!>
I’m sorry, sir; I don’t need the job you were offering.
I was at a job interview once where the immediate supervisor was chewing gum. I loathe the sound of gum and decided to fluff the interview. They actually offered me the job but fortunately I’d already found another one by then.
We need to be able to see the gum wads buildup on the underside of her chair.
That must be Bazooka Joe as an Adult !Must have changed Companies too …
That woman has a big thumb!
August 21, 2015
gosfreikempe over 11 years ago
I’m sorry, sir; I don’t need the job you were offering.
jonnijones over 11 years ago
I was at a job interview once where the immediate supervisor was chewing gum. I loathe the sound of gum and decided to fluff the interview. They actually offered me the job but fortunately I’d already found another one by then.
khcm1157 over 11 years ago
We need to be able to see the gum wads buildup on the underside of her chair.
KA7DRE Premium Member over 11 years ago
That must be Bazooka Joe as an Adult !Must have changed Companies too …
Davison77 over 11 years ago
That woman has a big thumb!