Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for April 10, 2001
Mine! All mine! Dennis Hope of California has made a claim in court to legally own every celestial body in the solar system! Believe It or Not! His accountant says the 8 planets and 51 moons are worth $763 trillion! During the 18th century, English gambling houses each had an employee whose job was to swallow the dice in case of a police raid! Believe It or Not! Elvis Presley never learned to read music, never wrote any lyrics or even composed a single tune!
Lol'dVoldemort 12 months ago
prank idea: go to an 18th century english gambling house and yell “THE POLICE ARE HERE” and after the guy swallows the dice, be like nah must’ve been the wind after all, never mind lol