Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for January 20, 2010

  1. Judge
    thejudge  about 15 years ago

    Micah checks in (looking vaguely Asian now) and Joel Kurth sees a MOUSE IN THE HOUSE!!!!

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  2. Van nostrand
    cpatnode  about 15 years ago

    is #23 reaching into that guys shorts in panel 3??

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  3. Mgk
    dadjo  about 15 years ago

    That Marty Moon. He’s sooo smart. Why isn’t he coaching the Mudlarks?

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  4. Sunset
    Liz36  about 15 years ago

    gotta put more fans in those seats; halftime bake sales maybe?

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    Bobcat66j  about 15 years ago

    1st half (yesterdays comic) played in daytime….2nd half played at night…..also, “Where’s Waldo” watching game in panel #1….can’t hide in that small a crowd!!

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    AmericanJones  about 15 years ago

    By December 21, 1891, James Naismith had compiled a rough list of 13 basic rules, posted them on the school bulletin board and with the assistance of the janitor, nailed two peach baskets on opposite ends of the gymnasium.

    Steve Luhm, in the true spirit of James Naismith, either put up a peach basket there in panel 3, or as suggested, used his garbage pail when he couldn’t gank a peach basket from the corner grocery store.

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