The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for October 13, 2013

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    Swalb%515  over 11 years ago

    Good ol’ Lila. Anything for attention. Though it is a sexy skirt. And Drew does have a point about sexism in clothing attire.

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    KeepKeeper  over 11 years ago

    Women are like the GOP. A small minority want to control the vast majority.

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    Kvasir42 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You know, I’m a liberal, but that last comment, comparing women to the GOP, doesn’t make any kind of sense, nor was it needed in this strip. Women are in the majority, I believe, and most definitely are not a “small minority.” And I must be shopping in the wrong stores, because I’ve never heard of these names for styles, men or women.

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    kd5sak  over 11 years ago

    Re controlling women—- I have been married to an extremelybright female for almost 56 years. Her plus 140 IQ has always put my measely 128 point IQ in the shade. I am bright enough to be sure of one thing though, NO ONE CAN CONTROL ANY WOMAN, let alone a majority of women.(G)

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    karanne  over 11 years ago

    Ah, Drew tries so hard … Lila, where can I get one of those skirts? Reminds me of my school uniform …

    Let’s please keep politics out of this.

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    Tetonbil  over 11 years ago

    Ah yes, the skirt, lovely. Just lovely! And she has the legs to pull it off. Go Lila!

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    loner34  over 11 years ago

    Some people are so full of hate they have to bring politics into everything

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    ossiningaling  over 11 years ago

    These vintage strips are so quaint. Now, of course, it would be called the “Trampy Administrative Assistant.”

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    jbmlaw01  over 11 years ago

    Darn GOP, always trying to make people conform, such as fining those who do not have a health insurance policy that satisfies government bureaucrats, or requiring banks to make loans to people with poor credit ratings, or requiring taxpayers to subsidize loopy energy start ups who are donors to the regime’s campaign

    Darn GOP

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    LeoAutodidact  over 11 years ago

    I thought it was called a “Belt”!

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    716PMedGuy  over 11 years ago

    luv it

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