My kids actually got out more and socialized with a much wider circle when they were being home-schooled. Two days a week we visited friends in retirement homes, where the kids were very popular. That was only one of the regular “outside” activities we engaged in. Home-schooling actually gave them a much wider experience than spending most of their day packed in with their own age-group, all doing the same thing at the same time.
I’m homeschooled and I don’t appreciate the mockery that people make of homeschoolers. I don’t have trouble dealing with real world problems, and I can hold my own in many out-side the home areas. I find it a little arrogant for people to always be looking down on us just because they THINK we’re inferior in some way. Though I’m not going to judge Mr. Scott for being some sort of homeschool hater. It’s a commonly held opinion that homeschoolers are socially awkward and don’t know how to cope with real life, even though the facts don’t support this.
I too could be killed by a bee, but I remind myself that Bob is a funny person, not a mean person. I appreciate Bob’s humor because it frames my terror of bees as something to laugh at. As far as the home schooler rants the strip has ignited, please replace "INSIDE schooled " for HOME schooled and you will see the humor. Surely there is nothing in Molly and the Bear as a whole that would lead you to think Bob would be mean to a home schooled kid. And one note to Stormtrooper11116 – you may have been ranting, but your rant is so well written that you dispel all “commonly held opinions” about home schooler’s inferior education. Nice work.
sottwell over 11 years ago
My kids actually got out more and socialized with a much wider circle when they were being home-schooled. Two days a week we visited friends in retirement homes, where the kids were very popular. That was only one of the regular “outside” activities we engaged in. Home-schooling actually gave them a much wider experience than spending most of their day packed in with their own age-group, all doing the same thing at the same time.
stormtrooper11116 over 11 years ago
I’m homeschooled and I don’t appreciate the mockery that people make of homeschoolers. I don’t have trouble dealing with real world problems, and I can hold my own in many out-side the home areas. I find it a little arrogant for people to always be looking down on us just because they THINK we’re inferior in some way. Though I’m not going to judge Mr. Scott for being some sort of homeschool hater. It’s a commonly held opinion that homeschoolers are socially awkward and don’t know how to cope with real life, even though the facts don’t support this.
Anyhow, didn’t mean to rant.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
I guess Meg knows now.
Vickireads over 11 years ago
I too could be killed by a bee, but I remind myself that Bob is a funny person, not a mean person. I appreciate Bob’s humor because it frames my terror of bees as something to laugh at. As far as the home schooler rants the strip has ignited, please replace "INSIDE schooled " for HOME schooled and you will see the humor. Surely there is nothing in Molly and the Bear as a whole that would lead you to think Bob would be mean to a home schooled kid. And one note to Stormtrooper11116 – you may have been ranting, but your rant is so well written that you dispel all “commonly held opinions” about home schooler’s inferior education. Nice work.
katina.cooper over 11 years ago
Well, at least he was sheltered from the bullies.
stormtrooper11116 about 11 years ago
Ya, I wasn’t feeling as if you were mocking homeschoolers; that doesn’t fit the attitude of your work.
I completely understand the humor you were trying to convey now, and I sincerely appreciate the explanation. Kudos to you!