Yeah – I did that once when the ambient became an irritant, though I don’t think the specific trigger was ‘are we there yet?’. But they believed me – several kids and the terrified mother of the ones that weren’t mine. I was less polite than you; I just said ‘OUT’ when I stopped and waited for them to believe me.
Never had to do it again. Have to recommend the technique highly!
naturally_easy over 11 years ago
Luckily he remember to pack the grill.
pumaman over 11 years ago
They ate all the dinosaurs too.
jazzmoose over 11 years ago
And they’re already on a kebab!
loner34 over 11 years ago
“are we there yet” is easily cured.Pull over stop and say yes we there, please get out.I never heard another peep.
Hawthorne over 11 years ago
Yeah – I did that once when the ambient became an irritant, though I don’t think the specific trigger was ‘are we there yet?’. But they believed me – several kids and the terrified mother of the ones that weren’t mine. I was less polite than you; I just said ‘OUT’ when I stopped and waited for them to believe me.
Never had to do it again. Have to recommend the technique highly!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 11 years ago
Darn! I never thought of that. Would’ve saved some tense long family drives.