Frazz by Jef Mallett for November 21, 2013

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    Varnes  over 11 years ago

    Waiting for some lake effect, here in Paw Paw…Even though we just got power back after a storm . Finally get to watch the Packers on TV, and the power goes out..

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    zellman  over 11 years ago

    I have to admit that I took a sled down a slide as a kid, it was fun, if a little harrowing.

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    elysummers  over 11 years ago

    Expecting 7 inches here today in Nevada. I can’t wait. !!!!!

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    Potrzebie  over 11 years ago

    There was a scene in Van Wilder or the spin-off where Raj oils up a date, flings himself on her and goes slipping off into a table with lit candles!

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    Joseph Houk  over 11 years ago

    They said “trace amounts” last night. Two inches later…

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    lmonteros  over 11 years ago

    It’s raining here in the San Gabriel Valley. When it stops, the weather will be balmy and clear, and the mountains will be filled with snow. Anyone who wants to sled can drive up there.

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