Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for November 04, 2013

  1. Wallpaper 1158583
    Swalb%515  over 11 years ago

    Me too. Overkill !!!

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    Bald fat and ugly  over 11 years ago

    I’ll take 10 shows about make believe zombies, over all the real life ones with their own “reality” shows.

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  3. Yosemity sam
    William Reynolds  over 11 years ago

    I, for one, will be glad when the zombie craze is over. It’s almost impossible to find a movie without zombies today.

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    stewartava  over 11 years ago

    Do I see Ziggy’s pet duck? It’s been ages. Wait, no. That’s not Wack. There’s no ducks bill and the thing is the size of a sparrow compared to that cat that is growing larger than Ziggy, himself. Even Ziggy’s cat used to be a sweet little feline as apposed to Sylvester’s cousin.

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    Louisiana Resident  over 11 years ago

    I’m tired of zombies too and even more of the show that keeps advertising about “killing the president.” Enough of stuff like that! That only puts ideas into crazy people’s heads. What is this world coming to?

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  6. One moses
    DrMoses  over 11 years ago

    I remember many, many years ago going to the drive-in and seeing The Night of The Living Dead. That moving make me sick. Really sick. Hate that kind of stuff. Never again.

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