V. funny. As always. But isn’t it take names first, THEN kick butt? Is this punchline perhaps, um, ass-backward?
Duane should not be that encouraged. His success rate of telling jokes that are at least “not bad” is still probable less than 1%.
She wants him.
“Wants him”? They’ve been dating for quite a while! They’ve been to numerous lunches and dinners, out to bars, etc.
yousir over 11 years ago
V. funny. As always. But isn’t it take names first, THEN kick butt? Is this punchline perhaps, um, ass-backward?
kaecispopX over 11 years ago
Duane should not be that encouraged. His success rate of telling jokes that are at least “not bad” is still probable less than 1%.
LOWRIDER84 over 11 years ago
She wants him.
robert423elliott about 3 years ago
“Wants him”? They’ve been dating for quite a while! They’ve been to numerous lunches and dinners, out to bars, etc.