Knock knock Hey... It was a nice holiday gesture... But admittedly, it would've been a lot more heartwarming if you hadn't saturated your beard with saliva...
I hope every little mousy and ratty got everything they ever wanted! They want what we all want, a mate to curl up with on cold winter nights and some good nuts and cilantro.
Randy B Premium Member about 11 years ago
But them mousies be so tasty…
Varnes about 11 years ago
Has anybody done a head count on the mice…?
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Santa Fleshy did an extraordinary kindness to his mice; I think he should not be blamed for his feline autonomic drool….
vecihi about 11 years ago
must… resist… temptation.
pam Miner about 11 years ago
I hope every little mousy and ratty got everything they ever wanted! They want what we all want, a mate to curl up with on cold winter nights and some good nuts and cilantro.