9 to 5 by Harley Schwadron for November 25, 2013

  1. Chai
    Perkycat  about 11 years ago

    They are growing up in a computer world. They won’t need learn to write or do math or even turn a page.

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  2. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Pretty soon babies will be born without hands, just big thumbs and one finger. They won’t need to walk either!

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  3. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago

    Aside from the fact that they look like 50 year old adults, I don’t recall kindergarten involving a lot of reading- or having alphabet charts. That came in 1st grade at the earliest. Of course, I grew up pre-Sesame Street- so TV wasn’t trying to teach me before I even got to school.

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