Modestly enlarged image can be found (sans cursor) at the only work, by this artist, so far, to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog.The Fair Toxophilites is shown, with a slightly different coloration image, and described (names participants, comments by the artist, etc.), by its current-location page.A maybe-click-to-enlarge image can be found here along with access to (currently) 91 other paintings by this artist. His Wikipedia page and collection.P.S. For whatever reason, the 5½’ Ben Pearson, Sherwood model, hickory bow, that I purchased for $12.95, around 1960, has remained with me all these years, unstrung (probably for the last 50, possibly too brittle now to restring) in its box. You store it unstrung. I mention it, because for the life of me, I have no idea why something is attached to the top of the bow in the painting. It would only make stringing it more difficult.If anyone knows how Mr. Melcher includes the cursor in his images at GoComics (they aren’t in the blog images), short of physically taking a picture with a camera, please post it, as it has me stumped. Screen/display captures on Windows and Mac OS X all exclude the cursor. I don’t do Twitter. If you do, perhaps @stevemelcher would provide the answer.
Perhaps a flag by the target (think golf) might help with the aim, but the archer knows (can feel) how the wind is blowing at the point of release; plus you’re looking at the target, not the top of the bow — like I said, makes no sense to me.
BE THIS GUY about 11 years ago
edclectic about 11 years ago
William, tell her not to try shooting an apple off that boy’s head.
tattooedcyberidiot about 11 years ago
What’s impressive is she’s also wearing in-line skates
Woody157 about 11 years ago
She caught him canoodling with her cousin in the bushes. Bet he wishes he had given her tennis lessons instead of archery lessons.
orinoco womble about 11 years ago
“You see, Lady Beatrice, we don’t divorce our husbands—we bury them.”
PICTO about 11 years ago
Pointed sticks. I’m all aquiver.
tattooedcyberidiot about 11 years ago
The enlarged painting shows a target 6 inches from the tip of the arrow
Simonie01 about 11 years ago
The cursor is still on the picture.BUSTED!
Enoki about 11 years ago
Desperate for a husband, Lady Walleye resorted to trying Cupid’s method of inducing love…
jack fairbanks about 11 years ago
apparently william told
mabrndt Premium Member about 11 years ago
Modestly enlarged image can be found (sans cursor) at the only work, by this artist, so far, to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog.The Fair Toxophilites is shown, with a slightly different coloration image, and described (names participants, comments by the artist, etc.), by its current-location page.A maybe-click-to-enlarge image can be found here along with access to (currently) 91 other paintings by this artist. His Wikipedia page and collection.P.S. For whatever reason, the 5½’ Ben Pearson, Sherwood model, hickory bow, that I purchased for $12.95, around 1960, has remained with me all these years, unstrung (probably for the last 50, possibly too brittle now to restring) in its box. You store it unstrung. I mention it, because for the life of me, I have no idea why something is attached to the top of the bow in the painting. It would only make stringing it more difficult.If anyone knows how Mr. Melcher includes the cursor in his images at GoComics (they aren’t in the blog images), short of physically taking a picture with a camera, please post it, as it has me stumped. Screen/display captures on Windows and Mac OS X all exclude the cursor. I don’t do Twitter. If you do, perhaps @stevemelcher would provide the answer.
jadoo823 about 11 years ago
…that would have been my guess, (but only a guess)…
mabrndt Premium Member about 11 years ago
Perhaps a flag by the target (think golf) might help with the aim, but the archer knows (can feel) how the wind is blowing at the point of release; plus you’re looking at the target, not the top of the bow — like I said, makes no sense to me.
caseyman about 11 years ago
gee, 27 comments and not one quip about 19th century Hunger Games. Come on, people, we can do better!
mabrndt Premium Member about 11 years ago
Yeah, sleeves that interfere with the release, whatever. I guess no one said it had to make sense.
quebradillas about 11 years ago
Who designed her hunting outfit? Someone named haute couture? Nah==must be Pipa’s tailor.
mabrndt Premium Member over 8 years ago
Another work by this artist can be found here.