Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 21, 2013
Girl: In the cold? Frazz: In the cold. Girl: Do they get anything? Frazz: Once in a while, eggnog. Girl: And they have to sing? Frazz: That's the main thing. Girl: So caroling is like trick or treat aversion therapy. Frazz: Now that you put it that way.
jnik23260 about 11 years ago
Actually, Trick – or – Treat and caroling have the common ancestor of “Wassailing”.
Varnes about 11 years ago
Well, if nothing else, you can always take along your own “eggnog”….
Varnes about 11 years ago
One time when I was teaching GED students, we went around the town singing Christmas carols…..It was fun….People looked at us like we were crazy at first, but then smiled…..
LeslieBark about 11 years ago
My girlfriend and I used dress up in “spirit of Christmas Past” costumes to play medieval and traditional Christmas carols on our recorders at our local Barnes and Noble 3-4 times during the season. We were nice and warm, and they treated us to lattes not eggnog, which was okay because I don’t like eggnog. Acoustics were great and the customers loved the way the music wafted through the store. But then B&N stopped letting us play—something about copyrights I think, although our playlist didn’t have anything later than 1850. Go figure.
hamcg about 11 years ago
@curmudgeon68 / @Jerry CarlsonThis is where “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” comes from…second verse “No bring us some figgy pudding…And we won’t go until we got some”
T_Lexi about 11 years ago
My Minnesota high school had The Carolers – 8 boys and 8 girls chosen from the choir, who dressed up in Dickensian costumes and sang carols downtown. I always envied them, but now I realize how cold they must have gotten…
Melekalikimaka about 11 years ago
Homemade old fashioned egg nog isn’t punishment unless you drink too much, lots of dark rum, not that nasty thick stuff you buy at the store.
Stellagal about 11 years ago
If carolers got spiked eggnog with every house they visited, you would hear some pretty interesting singing by the end of the night.
KEA about 11 years ago
yeah… and my friend’s grandma always called freezing weather “invigorating!”