Merry Christmas, Fred! Yippee- a new collar! Hang on a moment, I know what he's like- it's not going to flash or play a silly tune, is it?!
The good news is, no it doesn’t flash or play a lame tune.
The bad news is that it has a built in GPS, so he’ll ALWAYS know where to find you. ( Yes, they make those now. )
aren’t you late with this strip????!!!…it’s New Year’s Eve not Christmas Eve
juicebruce about 11 years ago
Simon_Jester about 11 years ago
The good news is, no it doesn’t flash or play a lame tune.
The bad news is that it has a built in GPS, so he’ll ALWAYS know where to find you. ( Yes, they make those now. )
AmyGrantfan51774 about 11 years ago
aren’t you late with this strip????!!!…it’s New Year’s Eve not Christmas Eve