Ok Frank, (real and otherwise) Husband and I have been married 51 years. Things work out because you work them out. Sometimes we’re the Bickersons and sometimes (fewer than more) we are in agreement. BUT we hung in there and it gets better and better. NOTHING is perfect, but semi-perfect is better than being alone. As long as you love each other, you can ride over the bad times and look forward to the good times.
frumdebang about 11 years ago
Wow. Comic strip therapy for the real Frank, methinks.
Peanizles about 11 years ago
Bob’ words of wisdom
Casey Southards about 11 years ago
If we don’t take risks we will always wonder.
jbmlaw01 about 11 years ago
My wife married me 36 years ago, probably the only serious mistake she ever made.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago
Ok Frank, (real and otherwise) Husband and I have been married 51 years. Things work out because you work them out. Sometimes we’re the Bickersons and sometimes (fewer than more) we are in agreement. BUT we hung in there and it gets better and better. NOTHING is perfect, but semi-perfect is better than being alone. As long as you love each other, you can ride over the bad times and look forward to the good times.
Emlyn Premium Member about 11 years ago
C’mon, Frank. Lezley has enough optimism for both of you. And she loves you in spite of yourself.