Andy: Kids, wait up! Your father and I aren't as young as you! It's hard for us to zoom down hills like this!
Jason: Too steep?
Andy: The snow's too deep.
Roger: You know, maybe we should start our New Year's diets a few days early.
Before those saucers were invented, we had to use cookie sheets. They didn’t work real well. Grama tried to use candle wax on the bottom to make them slicker. Didn’t work either.
I live in Texas. I don’t have any freaking idea what the differences are between a tobbagan and a sled. In the winter we find steep hills of sand and ride down them on wagons. My whole neighborhood does it… well my neighborhood only contains three kids. Does everybody do that or was it just us?
Zero-Gabriel about 11 years ago
Destiny23 about 11 years ago
That’s why toboggans were invented. They spread out your weight better. (And you can actually steer them, which can be a lifesaver!)
Aaberon about 11 years ago
Before those saucers were invented, we had to use cookie sheets. They didn’t work real well. Grama tried to use candle wax on the bottom to make them slicker. Didn’t work either.
scyphi26 about 11 years ago
Still nice to see them trying. Seems like most parents these days just stop doing this sort of thing with their kids after a certain age.
YatInExile about 11 years ago
Start your New Years diet now to prepare for next winter.
Doctor11 about 11 years ago
It’s been a LONG TIME since I’ve been sledding.
Ωmega over 4 years ago
lol look at jason
Cambree almost 4 years ago
I live in Texas. I don’t have any freaking idea what the differences are between a tobbagan and a sled. In the winter we find steep hills of sand and ride down them on wagons. My whole neighborhood does it… well my neighborhood only contains three kids. Does everybody do that or was it just us?