Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 06, 2013
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling God-Man The Superhero With Omnipotent Powers! WITH God-Man's most faithful follower and Earthly Vessel, FAN-BOY! God-Man: Fan-Boy! There's a famine! We've got to leap into action! Fan-Boy: Holy emergency, God-Man! God-Man: So, we'll quickly get there with...FAN-BOY, what are you DOING?! Fan-Boy: Just as you instructed, I'm nabbing these lawbreakers who were trespassing on our grounds! God-Man: Fan-Boy, I need you to focus! Our most important mission is to help those in need! Fan-Boy: Check, G-M! God-Man: Okay. Now, help me distribute the...FAN-BOY! Where are you now? Fan-Boy: Great news, God-Man! I caught these LEGISLATORS trying to raise taxes on the RICH in order to help the POOR! God-Man: Fan-Boy, how many ways can I tell you -- my overriding message is that of PEACE and COMPASSION! Fan-Boy: Hold that thought, God-Man! You'll want me to take care of this... Fan-Boy: These deviants want to get MARRIED! How DARE you defy, God-Man! God-Man: Worst. Sidekick. Ever. The End
SKJAM! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Fan-Boy is clearly hearing the voice of another God-Man. One that exists in his head.
Randy B Premium Member over 11 years ago
Fan-Boy is unlikely to be His “most faithful follower”.“Dedicated to being a sanctimonious prick” is more like it.
kapock over 11 years ago
“Hold that thought, God-Man!” :-D
InColorado over 11 years ago
And I thought Dick Grayson was a jerk
kapock over 11 years ago
@SKJAM!You know, there’s nothing to prove that God-Man isn’t just a figment of Fan-Boy’s imagination.
deandendy over 11 years ago
maybe not every christian is close-minded and as mis-guided as fan-boy. the actual God-Man Jesus said to love others (everyone – including the deviants) as you would be loved. God’s blessings and grace to you, Mr.Bolling.
Randy B Premium Member over 11 years ago
It’s a medallion, worn around his neck. People who wear a cross aren’t pretending to be Jesus.
ChrisV over 11 years ago
Holy Misunderstanding, God-Man!
fritzoid Premium Member over 11 years ago
“And can you prove otherwise?”
Do you believe unicorns exist? Do you believe mermaids exist? Bigfoot? Dragons? Time-traveling aliens in police boxes?
Could you prove that they don’t exist? No. It’s not possible.
Could someone prove that they DO exist? Yes, by delivering a unicorn, or a mermaid, a Bigfoot, a dragon, a time-traveling alien in a police box. Heck, if you could deliver compelling evidence of any of these, you’d make headlines worldwide.
The burden of proof is on those who believe God-Man exists.
alfracto over 11 years ago
Fan Boy’s real identity is Sick Rantorum.