Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 19, 1991
A DR. CESSPOOL CHRISTMAS! Dr. Cesspool has just performed surgery on Santa Claus!! NURSE: He's waking up, doctor! DR: He is?? Gee, that almost never happens! SANTA: Thanks for saving my life, Doc! DR: Hey, my pleasure, Santa! Let me tell you...I've performed a lot of operations in my time, but this one was pretty hairy! SANTA: You mean...the surgery almost wasn't effective? DR: No, I mean it was hairy!! Invest in a razoe, for pete's sake!
BBQjoe1 about 11 years ago
The hairiest operation ever
KylePeterson over 7 years ago
INVEST in a razor?? Santa theoretically could create an infinite amount of razors
One Navy Seal over 5 years ago
Nate would actually be an amazing cartoonist.
meRemiLiskowbuticool over 4 years ago
NYAVOR!!! almost 4 years ago
“He’s waking up!”“He is?? Gee, that almost never happens!”XDXDXDXDXD Nate would be an awesome cartoonist.
OgdenWhitePine almost 4 years ago
“Gee, that almost never happens.” – Doctor Cesspool
Somnambulant over 2 years ago
theory: Santa is an immortal reincarnation of jesus, as a magical person to deliver presents on his previous reincarnation’s birthday as an eternal punishment for his crime, worse than crucification.