Adam: My nose is not that big. Katy; Creative license. Frankie the lonely fruitcake thought he'd never get eaten. He'd have given all his candied fruit for a family that enjoyed him. And then one day he was given as a gift to the Newman family.
Allen Rymer about 11 years ago
Adam must be related to Cyrano with that nose….
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member about 11 years ago
I love fruit cake, and the more dense and the more fruit and the less cake the better—-why I even have my parents send me at great expense and probably in the very face of the US Dept of Agriculture that ultimate in cakeless fruit the real home-made Great British Christmas Pudding. Repleat is the only word for the Great British Christmas Pudding: and repleat it is with raisins and chopped citrus and dates and glacé cherries and nuts and now-a-days sadly no sixpenny-bits since they started messing around with the coinage, but most of all with substance, with bulk even—dark and glistening and airless and solid Ahh! The very antithesis of air headedness!!
What was it Robert Burns wrote “But mark the rustic fruitcake fed, The trembling Earth resounds his tread…” though, hang on, come to think of it that was actually about the Haggis—-but that’s just a detail, and after all it’s the thought that counts.Now compare that firm dose of reality and truth-in-advertising with what generally passes for a cake over here. Your paltry American cakes: spongy, ephemeral things made of equal parts of fat, sugar and air, and often topped with some sort of vague oleaceous terror and probably all laced, moreover, with one of the most evil addictive drugs known to medical science—gasp!—chocolate. The whole thing amounting to no more than a sort of stealth version of cardiac arrest on a bun—and all the while managing to be totally unsatisfying of either hunger or taste!
Dunwich Premium Member about 11 years ago
Somebody find Doc Toon and let him know his coffee is featured in “Dark Side of The Horse” today.
James Hopkins about 11 years ago
Thanks everyone for the advice on where to buy a fruitcake. I will look into it! :)
QuietStorm27 about 11 years ago
I would think that if food could talk, it wouldn’t want to be eaten. Oh well, on with the story.
Perkycat about 11 years ago
Don’t worry Frankie, Adam will eat anything.Adam – ‘He likes it!’ nboady – that was something else. Puts things in a different perspective. I’d have the salad too.
An Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove about 11 years ago
can I be bold and say that Harrell has well surpassed anything Bassett every did with this comic?
Stephen Gilberg about 11 years ago
Looks kinda like a Richard Thompson rendition of Adam.
Frogman_tg about 11 years ago
I really like reading about how bad fruit-cake is. I’d be willing to bet that at least 70% of these haters have never even tasted one. Still if you have one that is at least a year old please send it to me, I really love them and besides they’re $10 for one at the WalMart*