For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for September 02, 1989

  1. Jiji
    missimandi Premium Member 9 months ago

    OH THE SHAME of having to apologize instead of paying someone off- similar to the situations today lol kids are so sensitive they dont realize the bit of embarrassment at a young age is worth the life lesson- some take it and grow stronger- like Elizabeth because Elle will make her write the letter and apologize, and explain to elizabeth why this was necessary- unlike today’s parents who did not learn their OWN lessons back in the day and now allow their kids to make excuses and would have that bus driver fired for daring to stand up for herself, her bus, and safety. Elizabeth grew up great because she had love, compassion, empathy and discipline in her childhood. kids today would bully the teacher on social media until she went insane or off’d herself. You all know its true. Good Job to Elle and John.

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