For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for August 31, 1980
August 30, 1980
September 01, 1980
Elizabeth: Yah! Klakkity klak pop poppaklak klack pop pop bash klack bam! klack Bam Bam klakkity pop! pop klak bam
John: We never did thank my sister for sending that thing, did we.
Elizabeth: Poppity! Klak pop klakk
DesmondPeterson almost 4 years ago
first I thought it was a hammer
M2MM almost 3 years ago
I think this answers WHY the thing was hiding in the back of a closet.
FrostbiteFalls almost 2 years ago
John has a sister? I don’t believe we ever saw her.
feefers_ 12 months ago
The toy might have to be retired for a while.