The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for January 21, 2014

  1. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Please don’t tell me they are going to Vegas. This is why, when we lived there, we never went down to the Strip if we could help it. Too many tourists exactly like the Penny’s. I guess Verla is going without Jerry? Maybe she’ll get lucky. Wait. No.

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    mikie2  about 11 years ago

    Can you imagine being imprisoned in an aluminum tube with recycled air for three hours with the Pennys—and Joy with a delicate stomach and Burl with his regular stomach?Joy’s bag is tagged ORD—O’Hare, as her destination, while it appears from the sign in the background they are at Midway-MDW. Just exactly where is Burl sending her, that dickens?

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Right…. you just say something to the pilot and he’ll slow down for you…he’ll just put his foot on the brake, right there in the sky. For YOU.

    Why don’t you just tell him the name of your hotel, too, and he’ll drop you off…..

    If he can’t taxi down the Strip to the door, he’d be more than happy, I’m sure, to drop you straight down from the plane in flight.

    More than happy.


    As for the luggage tags…. my guess would be that they’re from various other trips.

    They’re so proud of their journeys, they never ever remove the tags. Ever. Even when multiple tags might make a confused baggage handler send their luggage to Florida, when they’re actually on a flight to Branson….They’ll just write letters of complaint to the airlines about the negligence of the crew.

    In fact, Burl’s Vegas bag doesn’t mean they’re going to Vegas, either…. nor does his T-shirt necessarily mean he’s been to Branson…. though I think he has.The apparel only means they’ve been to Big Lots.

    And…. a new guessing game: What is Verla’s middle name?

    Faye? Frances? Flora? Faith?

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  4. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  about 11 years ago

    BTW, is it just me or does Burl look particularly podgy today?

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    loveslife  about 11 years ago

    Burl is so smart. We already know that from yesterday.

    A real charmer to. I too think I would not want to be on the same flight with them because of their different “tummy” problems. Remember there are NO windows in the potties.

    I assume when they get off the plane has to be fumigated?That is an extra cost to them hidden of course.Hide all the snacks as they will always ask for more and stash them in Burls’ bag. After all that’s what it is for!!

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    finale  about 11 years ago

    NO-NO-NO-NO-NO!!!!.I’m flying from Midway to Las Vegas. I’ll rebook and get another flight. (Crustwood is south of Midway on Cicero Ave. Real close to the Cal-Sag canal. O’Hare has too many toll booths for Burl’s liking.)..Midway is a Southwest hub and they just started flying to Branson (most of their flights actually get to Branson).

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  7. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member about 11 years ago

    BURL will just whisper to the pilot " Gun It"…. ! ! !

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  8. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I’m glad the three of them are flying together, otherwise I would probably get the middle seat between them. (it happened from Vegas to Denver, I was flying on an employee pass and we ALWAYS got the middle seat. The two guys on either side of me spread out, I doubt I could even be seen). I almost smothered to death! LOL

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    imnormal  about 11 years ago

    If they all sit on one side of the aisle, the plane will list, if they sit in the rear, the back of the plane will drag on take off, and no mater where they sit, it is going to overrun the runway on landing. I imagine Burl asks for the exit seats, he is a Civil Defense leader you know. Plus he can bail out first, to heck with helping fellow passengers.

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