Yours is an old, original Ziggy but without the parrot announcing the punch line(just in case the reader didn’t get it?) and back when ‘Snap,Crackel and Pop’ was an actual common commercial..
what’s wrong with swearing????!!!…I know it not right but I listened to it from my grandpa and Uncles Richard and Earl (God bless their souls) and it didn’t bother me…never heard cereal curse before
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Ziggy probably would love to say that to you, bird !! :-/
skymante about 11 years ago
LOL :)
pelican47 about 11 years ago
The term “adult” for swear words and media with raunchy content seems wrong. It’s really rather immature.
stewartava about 11 years ago
Yours is an old, original Ziggy but without the parrot announcing the punch line(just in case the reader didn’t get it?) and back when ‘Snap,Crackel and Pop’ was an actual common commercial..
Poollady about 11 years ago
They’re shaped like R’s. (R rated for bad language)
Robert Haacke about 11 years ago
It’s interesting how immature “adult” language is.
DrMoses about 11 years ago
Ziggy is saving the POP for Josh.
xpurplezebra about 11 years ago
It’s been adulterated
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Ziggy is apolitical. JMJ !!! :-/
christipal78 about 11 years ago
probably does’nt taste well either…
AmyGrantfan51774 about 11 years ago
what’s wrong with swearing????!!!…I know it not right but I listened to it from my grandpa and Uncles Richard and Earl (God bless their souls) and it didn’t bother me…never heard cereal curse before
AmyGrantfan51774 about 11 years ago
leave politics out of the comics and stop with the JMJ ok???!!!!!!