Reality Check Hugh Hefner's childhood: Get upstairs and get dressed, Hughie! You can't lounge around all day in your pajamas!
Raise money for your school, get out and sell magazine subscriptions..
And THAT’s why he turned out that way? He should have had confidentiality with his “girls” so he would not look like such a fool.
There may still be men who look up to him, but I doubt it!
Ralph and the bunny…cute.
Day by Dave
Dave Whamond
April 10, 2015
May 31, 2017
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 11 years ago
Raise money for your school, get out and sell magazine subscriptions..
vldazzle about 11 years ago
And THAT’s why he turned out that way? He should have had confidentiality with his “girls” so he would not look like such a fool.
There may still be men who look up to him, but I doubt it!
KatP Premium Member about 11 years ago
Ralph and the bunny…cute.