Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 02, 2014
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug VINTAGE 1993 Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Chapter I TANZANIA, AFRICA. Pete: Dr. Faucet? There's someone here to see you. Dr. Faucet: Thanks, Pete. I'll be right there. Dr. Faucet: Hello there. Do I know you? Lazarus: The name is Lazarus. Lazarus: I'd like you to come back to the states with me to see a theme park I'm launching. Dr. Faucet: I'm a world famous paleo-anthropologist. I can't just pick up... Lazarus: If you endorse this park, I promise it will be WORTH YOUR WHILE! NORTHWESTERN NEW JERSEY. Dr. Faucet: Okay, Lazarus. Now, what kind of park IS this? Lazarus: Look over there -- through those trees! Lazarus: Dr. Faucet, I present to you the miracle of our time... ...A LIVING SPECIMEN OF AUSTRALOPITHECUS AFARENSIS!! An extinct ancestor of mankind from 3 1/2 million years ago! PLOICENE PARK GIFT SHOP Dr. Faucet: Good lord, man! Where did he COME FROM? Lazarus: I met him in a burger joint in Passaic. Dr. Faucet: It's unbelievable! Lazarus: I thought I told you to wear these Tarzan briefs! Charley: Did you bring back any magazines? This PEOPLE is two weeks old! NEXT: Australo-Fever!
edclectic about 11 years ago
Packratjohn Premium Member about 11 years ago
Jurassic Farce?
MrsSnape about 11 years ago
Yup, he looks like he’s from Passaic alright!
gorbasche2 about 11 years ago
Isn’t he the NORM for New Jersey???
kapock about 11 years ago
I appreciate the scientific accuracy, though. Primitive man really did read “magazines” that consisted of colored inks smeared over the dried pulp of dead trees.
Ushindi about 11 years ago
So Michael Crichton actually stole the idea from Tom the Dancing Bug? Oh, man … I didn’t need to know that.
Tgross999 Premium Member over 1 year ago
The book was published in 1990