Couldn’t he use the sun to figure out which direction he was going?
He is playing that reporter like a fiddle.
And the beat goes on
thought she was a hypnotist?!?!
Perhaps, he’ll find “Love letters in the Sand”.
A pox on all you critic’s houses…I love having a Walt story linebring it on Jim I am here for the ride
Davison77 about 11 years ago
Couldn’t he use the sun to figure out which direction he was going?
loner34 about 11 years ago
He is playing that reporter like a fiddle.
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
And the beat goes on
justanothercollar about 11 years ago
thought she was a hypnotist?!?!
quartermain about 11 years ago
Perhaps, he’ll find “Love letters in the Sand”.
roohey about 11 years ago
A pox on all you critic’s houses…I love having a Walt story linebring it on Jim I am here for the ride