Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha De-volving Republican's belief in evolution has plummeted, says a stunning new poll. I can understand that, just by looking at Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson.
If it looks like an ignorant backwater hick, and it quacks like an ignorant backwater hick,………………………………………………………………………….If you sound like a liberal bigot and quack like a liberal bigot, you might be a liberal bigot.
Phil Roberston has his Masters, started a sucessful company, and sticks to his beliefs even when faced with loosing a lot of money. “ignorant backwater hick”… Really?
Ahh, the desperation of needing to feel relevant and the center of the universe. It’s easier when you think the world is 6 thousand years old and humans are someone’s special creation above all things. It’s also a reaction of fear of an expanding, changing world with younger generations seeing beyond the myopic scope and compartmentalizing of people of the last century. Today’s young people are aware and talk to other young people on the other side of the world, everyday. They are societal evolution in action and are scaring the bejeezus out of older folks wanting everything to impossibly stay the same familiar place to their own detriment. Unable to accept that society must advance in order to survive. Taking steps backward to “every man for himself” and “fear of an entity” is insanely repeating the history of fallen, previously advanced civilizations.
By the way… the poll that is referenced in this comic is worded very poorly. Here’s what the poll was recording:“% of adults in each group saying that humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time, or humans and other living things have evolved over time.”http://www.cbsnews.com/news/republicans-belief-in-evolution-plummets-poll-reveals/..If anyone polled answered “i don’t know” or didn’t answer, it was not recorded into the poll. I would think that a christian would answer “i don’t know” because they won’t answer that they believe in evolution and they wouldn’t state that the living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.,,anyways… what i see that is significant in the poll is that THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION ARE NOT REPUBLICANS.
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
It’s a fake reality show. Don’t believe the hype. Before that show, none of those guys had neckbeards.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 11 years ago
Phil might have the right to evoke hatred, but we have the right to say that it is unacceptable.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 11 years ago
If it looks like an ignorant backwater hick, and it quacks like an ignorant backwater hick,………………………………………………………………………….If you sound like a liberal bigot and quack like a liberal bigot, you might be a liberal bigot.
TheEtruscan about 11 years ago
Why would a two thousand year old tale told by an Oriental tribe be more credible than some facts based on some empirical evidence?
octabrain about 11 years ago
Phil Roberston has his Masters, started a sucessful company, and sticks to his beliefs even when faced with loosing a lot of money. “ignorant backwater hick”… Really?
Melekalikimaka about 11 years ago
Ahh, the desperation of needing to feel relevant and the center of the universe. It’s easier when you think the world is 6 thousand years old and humans are someone’s special creation above all things. It’s also a reaction of fear of an expanding, changing world with younger generations seeing beyond the myopic scope and compartmentalizing of people of the last century. Today’s young people are aware and talk to other young people on the other side of the world, everyday. They are societal evolution in action and are scaring the bejeezus out of older folks wanting everything to impossibly stay the same familiar place to their own detriment. Unable to accept that society must advance in order to survive. Taking steps backward to “every man for himself” and “fear of an entity” is insanely repeating the history of fallen, previously advanced civilizations.
Advance or be left in the dust.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 11 years ago
I just hate it when I loose a lot of money
Nighthawks Premium Member about 11 years ago
now, bow down and worship at the duck dynasty alter , sing it’s praises and defend it’s corporate profits to the very end..there ya go
octabrain about 11 years ago
By the way… the poll that is referenced in this comic is worded very poorly. Here’s what the poll was recording:“% of adults in each group saying that humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time, or humans and other living things have evolved over time.”http://www.cbsnews.com/news/republicans-belief-in-evolution-plummets-poll-reveals/..If anyone polled answered “i don’t know” or didn’t answer, it was not recorded into the poll. I would think that a christian would answer “i don’t know” because they won’t answer that they believe in evolution and they wouldn’t state that the living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.,,anyways… what i see that is significant in the poll is that THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION ARE NOT REPUBLICANS.