Saw a FedEx truck backed up to the front of the UPS Store in town last week. Wished I’d had something with me that I could’ve taken a snapshot. (My smart phone comes in two pieces: an old iPod touch without a camera and a cheap prepaid cell, and I leave my iPad at home. ; – )
It’ no problem. When I see something like what I’ve done I just like people to know about it so if they see mine somewhere they know about it. That’s all.My version was two panel. The first was UPS and the guy popping out of the truck for the delivery. The second, was DOWNS…the guy falling on his face coming out of the truck.
I did another one on Fed EX and UPS you can see here
Superfrog about 11 years ago
Pharmacy deliveries.
sbchamp about 11 years ago
Upson Downs!
lady lar about 11 years ago
Very clever! I love seeing things in a new light.
Celad about 11 years ago
Saw a FedEx truck backed up to the front of the UPS Store in town last week. Wished I’d had something with me that I could’ve taken a snapshot. (My smart phone comes in two pieces: an old iPod touch without a camera and a cheap prepaid cell, and I leave my iPad at home. ; – )
DanReynolds about 11 years ago
I did this cartoon before. I licensed the cartoon as a book cover.
DanReynolds about 11 years ago
Hi Beuller
It’ no problem. When I see something like what I’ve done I just like people to know about it so if they see mine somewhere they know about it. That’s all.My version was two panel. The first was UPS and the guy popping out of the truck for the delivery. The second, was DOWNS…the guy falling on his face coming out of the truck.
I did another one on Fed EX and UPS you can see here