1979: Got driver’s license.1981: Turned 18 legal to drink alcohol.Those are the two things that saved me from becoming addicted to computer/video games.
goweeder GoComics PRO Member said, less than a minute ago
My daughter and I got our hands on the Texas Instrument TI in 1950. My grandson sat on my lap at that computer and played on it as if he had invented it. That generation was born knowing how to handle all this computer stuff. I remember that I was able to program a song, with music, on that first computer (that was the first available to the public.)It was tedious to do, and required a lot of time and effort, buy, by golly, I did it!.And, since that point in time, I have watched technology snowball at pretty close to the speed of light. In our wildest dreams, we cannot have an inkling of what will be in the future. But I consider myself lucky to have lived in this period. At least we got to see the beginning.
And to @goweeder: When I started my career in Electronics, chips came with a burger, a bite was what you did to an Apple and miniature vacuum tubes were state of the art. A long strange trip… ;-)
legaleagle48 about 11 years ago
Nineteen eighty-four? I don’t think the graphics were that good back then. Nineteen ninety-four, maybe!
davidf42 about 11 years ago
That’s from King’s Quest, still my favorite computer game. And yes, the graphics were that good, even if it was 1984.
garyzeck about 11 years ago
Point and click!
sbchamp about 11 years ago
oldmachead Premium Member about 11 years ago
@davidf42 – I’d fogotten about King’s Quest. It’s been that long! Thanks for bringing back old memories!! :)
whiteaj about 11 years ago
Two “ls” in “pixellated.”
Me3000 about 11 years ago
I love those old computer games, haven’t played them since that year almost,
FireMedic about 11 years ago
1979: Got driver’s license.1981: Turned 18 legal to drink alcohol.Those are the two things that saved me from becoming addicted to computer/video games.
Radical-Knight about 11 years ago
Yep… had an 8-bit Atari 800XL in the 80’s that looked pretty much like that.
brklnbern about 11 years ago
Right, that reference was more about the coming of bad things in 1984, than the state of technology as others suggested.
goweeder about 11 years ago
goweeder GoComics PRO Member said, less than a minute ago
My daughter and I got our hands on the Texas Instrument TI in 1950. My grandson sat on my lap at that computer and played on it as if he had invented it. That generation was born knowing how to handle all this computer stuff. I remember that I was able to program a song, with music, on that first computer (that was the first available to the public.)It was tedious to do, and required a lot of time and effort, buy, by golly, I did it!.And, since that point in time, I have watched technology snowball at pretty close to the speed of light. In our wildest dreams, we cannot have an inkling of what will be in the future. But I consider myself lucky to have lived in this period. At least we got to see the beginning.
dzw3030 about 11 years ago
And to @goweeder: When I started my career in Electronics, chips came with a burger, a bite was what you did to an Apple and miniature vacuum tubes were state of the art. A long strange trip… ;-)
loner34 about 11 years ago
I am thinking typo… probably meant 1980.
cyberdalekyeti about 11 years ago
King Quest only mistake maximum points 158 not 210 ?
mrkenallen about 11 years ago
Thank you Parker and Hart for saluting the company where I got my start in making video games. Talk about a nitch gag…!