Jane's World by Paige Braddock for January 20, 2014

  1. Mand1a
    Pedrocelli  about 11 years ago

    Wait – was Alexa in the current storyline? I’m getting a bit confused about which storyline we’re currently in.

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    leeneuman1  about 11 years ago

    Storyline? What storyline? I’ve been lost for weeks.

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    AuggDaugg  about 11 years ago

    I’m so lost, too!

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  4. Tapastic2
    Tom Falco  about 11 years ago

    Alexa’s busy, come back later.

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    Brazoshombre  about 11 years ago

    OK, when and how did Jane get home? Why isn’t she wearing the polo shirt and how did those t wo get on her couch? THIS and other questions should be answered in our next episode!

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    autumnaldecay  about 11 years ago

    wait, what? it was just beginning to make sense again and now I don’t know why there are people making out on the couch.

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    wesbucey  about 11 years ago

    looks like we skipped a few strips – maybe two or three? Who ARE the two on Jane & Ethan’s sofa? when did they get introduced to the strip to be present at Jane & Ethan’s home?

    Aw Gee! It’s Monday AND a national holiday – nobody is really firing on all cylinders this week.

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  8. K schrag
    Karl Hiller  about 11 years ago

    That is an awful lot of monologue to fit into the space of a head turn.

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