Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for February 28, 2014
Mom: Miss Bliss says you were poking people with your little sword. Alice: Nobody paid any attention to me during sharing time. And Nara brought in an old doll that was her grandma's. Alice: It was all cracked up and it scared everybody. I think it was made of cement. Mom: Well, your sword is going into toy jail. Alice: That's okay. It's boring. For my next birthday can I get a cement doll?
Templo S.U.D. almost 11 years ago
Just don’t smack people upside the head with it, Alice, if they don’t find the doll amazing.
water_moon almost 11 years ago
I’m now now imagining a bag of cement like they do the sacks of flour to represent babies to teach kids “it’s hard to take care of something that depends on you.” Only the cement is when they’re toddlers and it comes on a moterized scooter that runs into everything.
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
That cement doll was probably made of lightweight porcelain. But I would take a chilly delight in seeing Alice with an actual cement doll! A worthy successor to the little plastic sword as it languishes in toy jail.
ChessPirate almost 11 years ago
“I wuz framed! Da kid made me do it!”
slypuma almost 11 years ago
They had it coming!
ossiningaling almost 11 years ago
Look both ways before crossing!
Doublejake almost 11 years ago
“Toy jail”?? Love the concept….