Citizen Dog by Mark O'Hare for January 14, 2017

  1. Heart
    mamajock.kimi  about 8 years ago

    I feel like this sometimes when I order a burger and ask them to hold all the sauce and vegetable crap. All I end up with is a plain bun and meat patty for $5 that I couldā€™ve gotten at Mickey Dā€™s for a buck!

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  2. Yin yang
    jputting  about 8 years ago

    Whatever became of Fluffy?

    I thought that story arc would continue after Sundayā€™s comic.I hope Mark Oā€™Hare isnā€™t going to leave us all in a state of suspense for too long.

    As far as Fluffy is concerned being in a state of suspense is better than than being in somebodyā€™s stomach!!!!.

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  3. 5821
    SheMc  about 8 years ago

    Mmmm, looks delicious hahaha

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Whereā€™s the dressing? It was supposed to be on the side.

    Good morning, cleo, sugar, Fellow Baby & the rest of the CD gang!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Good morning people and pets.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago


    Fluffy became part of a Chefā€™s Salad.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I have sent the fallowing feedback to GoComics about the recent changes.

    I have decided that i like the new format for GoComics.

    After getting past the shock-of-the-new i noticed that the comics (except for some of the old reruns) are presented larger. No need for that expand icon in the middle of the comic. My eyes are getting bad enough that THAT makes it all worthwhile. Iā€™m still not used to clicking on the little word balloon to get to the comments instead of clicking on the comic name, but that will come with time.

    The second thing i noticed that i like i discovered when i looked at the comments on my smartphone. The old GoComics didnā€™t work so well on the smartphone and was severely glitchy. Its much better with this format. And, its far, far better that the GoComics smartphone app. (That thing is about as useless as nipples on a male.) I donā€™t have the free time anymore to comment as much as i like and Iā€™m having to work to get through my long queue. Being able to read the comics helps with that.

    The one thing that i defiantly donā€™t like is the round avatars.

    Everything else that i donā€™t like about the site has to do with the changes made before the format change. I miss being able to post photos, and i miss being able to put in hyperlinks.

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  8. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member about 8 years ago

    @Happy ā€”I agree! Also, everything (especially comments) loads much faster now, and (maybe coincidence butā€¦) the most obnoxious of the trolls seem to be avoiding the site now.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago


    I had not noticed that.

    I hope that they stay away.

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  10. Images
    Sugie63  about 8 years ago

    Good Afternoon Grog, Dry, Happy and all my fellow CDers.

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  11. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Good late evening Fellow Baby, cleo, SUGIE and all ye gathered here!

    I HATE THE NEW WEBSITE! And I gather my ā€œNC budā€, tcar-1 hates it as well! Havenā€™t seen him since! I hope ALL IS WELL WITH YOU AND YOURS!

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  12. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  about 8 years ago

    @D&Dā€¦ check the reply button to Eldo above. I ā€˜beā€™ here!!!

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