Observe, from the very first of Prickly City, the two primary entities, Carmen and Winslow have been compatriots, friends, companions. Carmen representing conservatism and Winslow representing Liberalism, each test the others devotion to their political views, and although conflicts and disagreements arise, they strive to return to the others good favor and remain friends. In practically every altercation, they face the same opposition together; and like in today’s strip, when one falters, the other is there to help…not gloat or ridicule. The Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, two great Liberal document; supported by The Constitution, both liberal in its guide for defining our freedoms of liberty and conservative in promoting our traditional values and protection against an oppressive governmental system. Both are necessary in balance for the system to survive and function properly for everyone. Rant Mode “OFF”…
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Or “Experimental parameters” and determining them.
Radical-Knight almost 11 years ago
Observe, from the very first of Prickly City, the two primary entities, Carmen and Winslow have been compatriots, friends, companions. Carmen representing conservatism and Winslow representing Liberalism, each test the others devotion to their political views, and although conflicts and disagreements arise, they strive to return to the others good favor and remain friends. In practically every altercation, they face the same opposition together; and like in today’s strip, when one falters, the other is there to help…not gloat or ridicule. The Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, two great Liberal document; supported by The Constitution, both liberal in its guide for defining our freedoms of liberty and conservative in promoting our traditional values and protection against an oppressive governmental system. Both are necessary in balance for the system to survive and function properly for everyone. Rant Mode “OFF”…
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Hurry Carmen!!
Anweir88 almost 11 years ago
@Radical-KnightWell said. Too bad both Exoticdoc2 and Darsan54 both jumped straight into the usual name calling.
Jim Kerner almost 11 years ago
Is there a doctor in the house? Where’s the pillow? HELPPPPPPP! Mother.