Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for February 19, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 11 years ago

    So in France, is it still… um… until death do you part?

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  2. Hal 9000
    Raygun  almost 11 years ago

    “It’s good to be the King!”

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    goweeder  almost 11 years ago

    Well, at least he did his part in the never-ceasingeffort to overpopulate the planet..We should do well to remember what happens to cancer when it kills its host —it dies, as well.. That should give some people food for thought (even though it’s already too late.)

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    Linda1259  almost 11 years ago

    If some folks had to drink water in which a frog had died in order to cure/treat their drunkenness, at least there would be a few more responsible drinkers and/or teetotalers!

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    Linda1259  almost 11 years ago

    Sorry for two comments. Lesson for the French, when becoming engaged each should take out a huge insurance policy and change their will to benefit their future spouse. That is the practical advice. Sentimentally, what a beautiful symbol of undying love.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 11 years ago

    Pro tip: two N’s in “drunkenness.” It’s not the quality of being drunke, nor a female drunken.

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  7. Mrpeabody
    ProfessorKid  almost 11 years ago

    1000 grandchildren???? Talk about being “Father of Your Country”!!! ; ))

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    martiniqueflyer  almost 11 years ago

    Well,, usually it’s when the groom died before the wedding leaving a pregnant bride…so that the baby is legally his genitor’s child wih all the benefits.

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    martiniqueflyer  almost 11 years ago

    And of course, the body is not present !

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