Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 10, 2014

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago

    We’ve done this to ourselves. We have put the election and democratic processes up for sale. These are the rewards.

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    danielmkimmel  about 11 years ago

    Empty resume full of job titles? Why are they making fun of George H. W. Bush?

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    Potrzebie  about 11 years ago

    Anyone with money and charisma can run, and sometimes they get elected.

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    Grampus  about 11 years ago

    Huh? Are they talking about Wendy Davis?I thought she was running for Texas Governor.

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    jbmlaw01  about 11 years ago

    Surely by now even leftists can see that Bush, the Harvard MBA, jet pilot, baseball club president, and two-term governor of a prosperous state, was a reasonably competent manager compared to the community organizer whose only real credential is that he had two autobiographies.

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    catzilla23  about 11 years ago

    George W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, Barack H. Obama, and Hillary R* Clinton all fit the bill nicely (albeit with a little more qualification with the first two). The publicity agents have taken over the republic.

    *Side note wish I could type the R backwards.

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    Stingo Smith  about 11 years ago

    but they have this perfectly drawn caricature of Evil Bush and you just spilled a hot cup of reality all over it, fbjsr.

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    Michelle Morris  about 11 years ago

    I’ve found that,other than age and residency requirements,there are really no hard (or soft) educational or occupational requirements to run for any political office. Anywhere.

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    danielmkimmel  about 11 years ago

    Illiterate wingnuts. I said George H. W. Bush. A pol elected president on the strength of a resume where he simply got his ticket punched in job after job and accomplished very little. Of course he looks like a genius now compared to the wreckage left behind by his idiot son, George W. Bush.

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    dogday Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I’m not sure if your statement is serious, but they’re referring to Barack Obama, whose most well-known actual activity before POTUS was as a community activist in the Chicago area.

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