Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 28, 1996
Francis: What's our next event? Nate: The hammer throw? Francis: We throw a HAMMER? Nate: Not a HAMMER hammer! A special hammer! See? I soaked a soft ball in water to make it heavy! Then I screwed a piece of chain into it! VOILA! Instant hammer! Francis: Can I try? Nate: Let the master go first, Francis! This is MY event! oof! VWING! CRASH! tinkle tinkle Nate: Next up: the 100-yard dash. Francis: Better hurry. Your dad's got a running start.
Silica Gel over 10 years ago
Nate hit the window. Pretty obvious there.
Tater over 10 years ago
Run, Nate! Run!
DM9001 almost 9 years ago
Dad: (pant pant pant pant pant) Whew!
Edoggr11 about 7 years ago
Why is it just showing up as text for me? (That happens sometimes)
ComicFan4Life over 4 years ago
Wouldn’t it be like a flail or a mace instead?
Ƭσxιc﨔 over 4 years ago
This strip cracked me up!
Kirbo almost 4 years ago
New Objective: Survive
hockey man almost 4 years ago
elmo the dancing puppet about 3 years ago
this is my first time reading this plot
leopardglily over 2 years ago
That’s actually a good idea to make a hammer.
nintendopoptarts64 almost 2 years ago
He’s also got a belt
smooth_sphinx497122 11 months ago
Dad’s gonna bust him for life.JK
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
His dad is about to make sure Nate doesn’t see the 7th grade.
马容膝 13 days ago
i happened to be listening to highway to hell by ACDC when I read this strip