Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 04, 1996
Francis: Hey, there's Mrs. Godfrey! Nate: Yowza! Thar she blows! Francis: She sees us! Let's go say hello! Nate: Are you nuts? So she can start bossing us all over the beach? Francis: Oh, give it a rest! She's not going to boss us all over the beach! Nate: Yes she IS! She's our TEACHER! Francis: It's SUMMER, Nate! She's just here to enjoy the day! Nate: She WILL enjoy it, once she starts ordering us around! Mrs. Godfrey: Hello, boys. Francis: Hi, Mrs. Godfrey. Nate: Grumble... Mrs. Godfrey: Say, would you like to do me a favor? Francis: A favor? Uh...well... Mrs. Godfrey: Wonderful! Go to snack bar and get me a hot dog, onion rings, and an orange soda! Nate: For summer, it's starting to feel a lot like fall. Francis: Maybe she'll let us keep the change. man: You're fifty cents short.
Silica Gel almost 11 years ago
Wow, the Godzilla is just as cruel in summer vacation!
Tater over 10 years ago
Comical thunder almost 9 years ago
The nonexistent change
Chad Cheetah over 5 years ago
Ha ha! “Go to snack bar.”
CHBAC almost 5 years ago
Good waves out there today…
Mr. LxATHE about 4 years ago
Mrs. Godfrey doesn’t do good with money.
Kirbo about 4 years ago
now they have to pay 50 cents by themselves