Very unrealistic strip. At the Dog Park, as one dog runs, he picks up chasers, until all the dogs are participating. Some dogs don’t run, but sit and bark at the mob. Others , the Shepherds, try to stop the run, seeking calm and order ( that’s my Callie). But no Dog just sits, stares, and growls.
Unless Fred and friends were playing King of the Hill, in which case, I apologize.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;Or close the wall up with our English dead.In peace there’s nothing so becomes a manAs modest stillness and humility;But when the blast of war blows in our ears,Then imitate the action of the tiger. . . .or…run like hell..(with apologies to old Will S.)
ladykat Premium Member almost 11 years ago
They are outnumbered, after all
Marge Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Gut gemacht, Fred! schmunzel
Simon_Jester almost 11 years ago
Retreat, Hell! They’re just advancing in a a different direction.
Streetlight2 almost 11 years ago
Not outnumbered but out weighed what with Yorky and Jock being relativey small.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 11 years ago
It’s simply a strategic redeployment of the troops.
davbart92663 almost 11 years ago
Very unrealistic strip. At the Dog Park, as one dog runs, he picks up chasers, until all the dogs are participating. Some dogs don’t run, but sit and bark at the mob. Others , the Shepherds, try to stop the run, seeking calm and order ( that’s my Callie). But no Dog just sits, stares, and growls.
Unless Fred and friends were playing King of the Hill, in which case, I apologize.
bresnik415 almost 11 years ago
And they bravely ran away, they bravely ran away
boldyuma almost 11 years ago
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;Or close the wall up with our English dead.In peace there’s nothing so becomes a manAs modest stillness and humility;But when the blast of war blows in our ears,Then imitate the action of the tiger. . . .or…run like hell..(with apologies to old Will S.)
amethyst52 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Glad to see Fred’s foot is feeling better!