Pickles by Brian Crane for February 11, 2014

  1. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 11 years ago

    My Gramma had two sisters, so I understand completely..Be warned. There will be Scrabble.

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  2. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Kinda like Opal…being married to Earl.

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    pcolli  about 11 years ago

    Yeah, the guy goes out in the wilderness to survive and when the filming stops, he returns to his 5 star hotel and LIVES!.Is grandma’s sister anything like Grandpa Simpson?

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    Jilly Baker  about 11 years ago

    Don’t worry, Gramma’s sister has survived her visits with Earl. She’s a good Survivor Woman.

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  5. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  about 11 years ago

    Someone else’s courage and ingenuity

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    Chris Kenworthy  about 11 years ago

    Survivor: Earl vs Pearl. Has a ring to it, (or is that a rhyme?)

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  7. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  about 11 years ago

    I wonder if the guy with the camera suffers too…

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  8. Ranger gord
    PMark  about 11 years ago

    Yes, there are a number of survivor shows that are fake on various levels. They’ve got camera crews, support teams, and in some of them, the “survivors” sleep in local hotels during the night. Bear Grylls is notorious for this sort of thing.

    However, “Surviorman” is different. It consists of one man, Les Stroud, who goes out into the wilderness in survival situations all by himself. He takes no production crew and performs all the camera work himself. So not only is he worrying about the essentials of food, water, fire, shelter and other such things; he has the additional burden of setting up the cameras and lugging the equipment around with nobody to help him.

    He seldom goes in unprepared. He studies up on the local floral and fauna, and often spends time with the indigenous people to learn how they survived in the area for thousands of years. So in that sense, it’s “fake”. But that’s the only part that is.

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  9. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  about 11 years ago

    One rarely hears from true survivors, barring publishing agents and made-for-TV movies.I’ve always wanted to be “marooned” or “at risk” with these reality a-holes and coach them on what survival is all about.Oh yeah, I’m a survivor.

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  10. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 11 years ago

    I wonder if Earl got on well with his mother-in-law?Can’t imagine so…xxx

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  11. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  about 11 years ago

    But they will “re-create” it when it means advertising revenue.Nothing is beyond “reality TV” except reality and discrimination.

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  12. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  about 11 years ago

    Damn, Earl…Did you remember to use the “Cone of Silence?”

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