Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 28, 2014
Alice: Tell me more about how your brother's a grocery cart herd. Dill: Sometimes a cart will wander far from the lot. Then he must find it and bring it safely back. Dill: He says that the carts with a wiggly wheel are the worst. They are loco! Alice: Why can't you be a cart herd? Petey: I have allergies.
Lakesailer almost 11 years ago
I thought they all had wiggly wheels.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Its the ones that pull hard to the right (or left), they have minds of their own.
yourmonkey almost 11 years ago
Indianapolis has lots of carts that wander away from the lot. People take their groceries home in the cart and leave the cart on the sidewalk blocks away from the store.
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
some even go out of State in the back of a Moving Van… error of course.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Yes. He’s allergic to work.
You know, if you don’t recapture them, they go feral. They eat sleeping bags and old clothes and enslave people to push them around, Apparently, they do not provide well for their slaves.
GROG Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Because he doesn’t want to be.
neatslob Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I like (not!) the ones that have the gizmo to lock the wheel if they get too far from the store. People take them anyway, and when the store gets them back the wheel has a flat spot that goes THUMPA-THUMPA-THUMPA-THUMPA when you push it.
PoodleGroomer almost 11 years ago
You have to be smarter than what you are herding.
PoodleGroomer almost 11 years ago
The carts with woogity wheels have been overloaded and bent the frames or broken the wheel roller or pivot bearing.
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
What a great smile Dill has in panel 1 as Alice asks him to tell more! What a sullen statement Petey makes in panel 3 as Alice laments his drabness. What a risky crossing of the road in front of a wobbly cart by the bluebird of panel 2!
JP Steve Premium Member almost 11 years ago
♪♫High on a hill was a lonely cartherdLay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo♪♫
reynard61 almost 11 years ago
doublejake said:“@Quiet OneIt’s amazing how many “inanimate” objects animate when not observed. I personally believe that paper clips are larval coat hangers. In my house, over the course of a few months all the paper clips disappear while the closets become overstuffed with wire hangers. Never have figured out how the hangers breed new paper clips……”
Well, when a boy hanger meets a girl hanger*…
*Unless, of course, they reproduce asexually.