Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for February 17, 2014

  1. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 11 years ago

    I was hoping 40 Years Ago Tank would be giving this award, since the Sports Jerk awards are only, what, about 20 years old, and he never had a chance to award one. (And I’ve been wondering all these years, why not bronze, silver, and gold winners, instead of just the winner and the runner up?)

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  2. Missing large
    seanyj  about 11 years ago

    Boy, Rodman sure was a popular guy the past 40 years! : )

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  3. Manshotgunthumb
    Fenshaw  about 11 years ago

    Late nomination(or very early one)Christie Cooper for that ghoulish interview of Bode Miller. You could hear in her voice that she was willing to say anything if he would only cry on camera. Bode is a saint for his compassionate defense of that witch.

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