Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for February 18, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 11 years ago

    Some few Christmases ago, I asked for one of those backpacks on wheels with telescopic handles. Now I don’t have it anymore due to the wheels getting worn out.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Agreed Zack.

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    cbrsarah  about 11 years ago

    When I was working, I used backpacks to carry my purse and lunch bag. My shoulder starting hurting, so I got a backpack on wheels. Totally relieved the shoulder issue. I would like my husband to get one, to relieve his shoulder issue but he thinks they’re sissy looking.

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    Lamberger  about 11 years ago

    The problem was initially caused by schools getting rid of lockers due to liability problems with drugs and “guns” (or more precisely, their “zero tolerance” rules for “drugs” and “guns”). But the kids were getting so many back problems that many schools are issuing 2 textbooks for each class so they won’t have to schlep them back and forth.

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