Dad: Gracie, I don't think you can read a book for your school talent show. Gracie: Why not? Dad: Well, 'talent' is doing something fancy... Dad: Showing you have more than ordinary skill. Gracie: Oh... I get it. Gracie: I should read two books at once!
Templo S.U.D. almost 11 years ago
How about reading one book in English and also its Spanish copy instead? That’s what John H. Groberg in “The Other Side of Heaven” did with his English and Tongan Bibles in order to understand Tongan.
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Sadly, reading is not an ‘ordinary skill’
QuietStorm27 almost 11 years ago
It’s sad that reading isn’t a talent. My daughter tells me about some classmates in her 3rd grade class who don’t read very well. As for Gracie, maybe she could read a powerful poem and act it out.
She Mc almost 11 years ago
That IS talent!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Not like that Gracie!