bear: and then mabel said to ethel, "honey, your stuffing is showing!"....wait, what's the baby monitor light doing on? RJ: busted.
More importantly: Where’s the baby?
Where is Hammy ?
Hammy took the baby!! OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The gang is using the baby monitor to snoop on the stuffed animals who wouldn’t be talking if a human was in the baby’s room.
Michael Fry
June 23, 2017
June 25, 2017
July 23, 2017
October 20, 2017
November 14, 2017
HMunster about 11 years ago
More importantly: Where’s the baby?
juicebruce about 11 years ago
Where is Hammy ?
comedynut about 11 years ago
Hammy took the baby!! OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
bluejay6625 about 11 years ago
The gang is using the baby monitor to snoop on the stuffed animals who wouldn’t be talking if a human was in the baby’s room.