N T: I was considering aardvarks, which do. Anteaters don’t have big ears. Most anteaters (including aardvarks) prefer termites to ants; less formic acid, I suppose.
Made me think of an ant & anteater cartoon that sometimes came on at the local movie theater. Think it was from the same company that did the Pink Panther cartoons.
natureboyfig4 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Well, that pesky ant has had it now!
registrationsucks almost 11 years ago
Fun fact, anteaters don’t have teeth. And they are adorable. :)
hippogriff almost 11 years ago
N T: I was considering aardvarks, which do. Anteaters don’t have big ears. Most anteaters (including aardvarks) prefer termites to ants; less formic acid, I suppose.
rekam Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Burst into laughter at this one.
gforgina almost 11 years ago
Made me think of an ant & anteater cartoon that sometimes came on at the local movie theater. Think it was from the same company that did the Pink Panther cartoons.
registrationsucks almost 11 years ago
hippogriff: They’re both cute.