Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 07, 2014

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 11 years ago

    I bet you, BD gets a better grade than Mike.

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  2. Elvis before
    ceylondiver  about 11 years ago

    I remember an after-school special in the ā€˜80s about a kidsā€™ science fair: one of the projects was called ā€œOur Enemy the Sun.ā€ Still makes me smile

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    Snivelling_Wizard  about 11 years ago

    Wow, Iā€™d forgotten just how much the style of Doonesbury has changed over the years

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  4. Me with cig
    stuartballin  about 11 years ago

    me too

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  5. Formal cat
    JusSayin  about 11 years ago

    @DavidHuieGreen said yesterday

    ā€œAre bankers really parasites?

    If so, avoid them since a parasite has no beneficial feature.

    If bankets ARE good for something, then they are not parasites, just people we are jealous of.ā€

    Failed Logic 101? Are bankers really parasites?

    They meet the traditional defintion of one that draws its sustenance from another,so yes.

    If so, avoid them since a parasite has no beneficial feature.

    Really? Failed Biology also? Parasites often have beneficial roles in their host bodies, and typical balance a symbiotic relationship if the parasites wish to continue to live. Most humans have a few pounds of parasites in each of their bodies. Humans cannot survive with a balance of symbiotic parasites. Too many parasites, or too greedy parasites will weaken or kill the host. Science believes they can account for the role of the parasites, but all that can be done is to observe the actions of the parasites and observe some of the results.

    The cost benefit analysis of a banker is easily quantified, and there is little benefit to paying sharpsters excessive salaries and bonuses. Chairman Bernanke is on record as saying it would be more beneficial to throw billions of dollars from helicopters than to pass the money through the banking system. If bankets(sic) ARE good for something, then they are not parasites, just people we are jealous of."

    Non sequitur. Your initial points failed, and you have offered no evidence bankers are as useful as the bacteria E.Coli most animals use, and E.Coliā€™s work is more honorable and effective than a banker. I have no jealousy towards E.Coli, but I only need a certain number of them in the proper place at the proper time. Too many E. Coli, like bankers, compromise their host. The real problem was the repeal of Glass Steagall, which allowed small bankers to cost their depositors trillions by trying to beat a rigged game. There is a great deal more, but Iā€™ll spare you. I believe you must be ill, because your posts are usually a couple of orders of magnitude than this one.Yes, I have sterling credentials in commercial banking and regulations, investment banking, development banking, and very nearly had a physical brawl with a future FED. Chairman because he was short sighted and wrong. I had the mathematical and ecomic theory proofs, his ideas would last a while and blow up. He insulted me, my education, my family, my clothing, and probably my smell. He did not have sound arguments, but he won the day and destroyed the economy of the USA, and much of the world. I Am Experienced, JusSayin

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  6. Formal cat
    JusSayin  about 11 years ago

    Typos, I make typos. I believe DavidHuieGreenā€™s posts are usually several of orders of magnitude better than the post I cited where he offered insupportable arguments against history. I am baffled as to whether Mr Green is ill, intoxicated, or if spirochetes may have invaded his brain. I make typos, I try to avoid reasonable fallacies, lack of critical thinking, and unsupported arguments. I recommend it heartily to all.Sincerely & Respectfully, JusSayin

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    Doughfoot  about 11 years ago

    Iā€™ve always remembered this cartoon. One of the few of the very early ones that has stuck with me.

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    Plods with ...ā„¢  about 11 years ago

    I love beaver

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    Dual  about 11 years ago

    Early Doonesburyā€™s style owed a LOT to Jules Feiffer

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    Beleck3  about 11 years ago

    how in the world did Doonesbury ever get popular with ā€œcomicsā€ like this one. people change, obviously. and iā€™m glad Doonesbury did. lol

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  11. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Mikeā€™s got a pretty advanced paper for a freshman!

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    gaebie  about 11 years ago

    Actually, BD should have attended North Carolina with their great academic classes for athletics.

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    pekenpug  about 11 years ago

    Note the boys are ā€œwritingā€ their assignments. Ah, for ancient timesā€¦

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    passagemaker  about 11 years ago

    How much longer do we have to look at this drivel?

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    beprepn  about 11 years ago

    I think that this strip still plays well today ā€“ Penn State is still the only college that thinks it important that the footbal team can read and write.

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    haggerty3  about 11 years ago

    Beavers, got to love then, theyā€™re on our state flag. Way to go DB! (Oregon)

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    Doughfoot  about 11 years ago

    Thanks for the clarification on the proper definition of parasite. The reply button doesnā€™t seem to work. I stand corrected, and appreciate having learned, or relearned, something.

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  18. Jesus
    TIMH  about 11 years ago

    Beavers and Higher Mollusks? Sounds like euphemisms for the same things.

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