Adam: So. What do you think? Laura: You know? It's... It's actually pretty good! I'm impressed, honey. I really am. Katy: There's a twist-tie in my mushrooms. Adam: That's a... Um... Garnish. Laura: Small bites, kids. There may be surprises.
pumaman almost 11 years ago
So the Swiss Lard is going down well then?
dzw3030 almost 11 years ago
I guess the meal wasn’t chard at all?
PapaBishop almost 11 years ago
I do most (all) the cooking in our family. I may not be Iron Chef quality but I am a darn good cook if I say so myself.
Hunter7 almost 11 years ago
If you find money…. don’t tell Adam or he will want it back. .remember the birthday cakes with pennies, nickels and dimes (wrapped in waxpaper) hidden in the cake?