Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for March 22, 2014
Nancy: I had a big science test this week, Pee-Wee! Boy: ME, TOO, Nancy! They asked me about Sir Isaac Newton, and what he discovered when the apple BONKED him on his HEAD! Nancy: Did you get the answer, Pee-Wee? Boy: Don't know if it was the right one! I said he probably figured out that "AN APPLE A DAY" don't keep "THE DOCTOR AWAY" if it lands on your noggin!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
He didn’t appreciate the “gravity” of the situation….
sottwell almost 11 years ago
When I got in trouble in school for insisting that somebody named Fig Newton discovered gravity, I began to realize that my mother was not always telling me the truth.
tuslog64 almost 11 years ago
And then there was Nasreddin Hoja:Sitting under an oak tree and viewing a (pumpkin?) vineNow why did the creator put such large fruit on the small vine and just tiny acorns on an oak tree?Then an acorn fell on his head!
brklnbern almost 11 years ago
Reminds me of the Honeymooners. In one episode Norton is asked a question on a civil service exam about what choice he would make if the price of oil to heat his home X % and coal went up Y %. His response was pack up and move to Florida.
rgcviper almost 11 years ago
I like the message on Pee Wee’s hat.