Jane's World by Paige Braddock for March 21, 2014

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Ok…. I’ll try again.

    First, I have no special “in”… I’m just a reader like all of you, but I started, I think, in 2006 on Comics.com…and read back in the archives through most of 2005, and also one or two of the books….The plot has always been full of flashbacks…. and my memory sometimes full of holes…so this is the best I can do…if anybody has corrections, feel free!

    So….in my next comment, the timeline…..

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    People ask me… so I’ll try…Paige….. if you can help….. Or anybody….

    First…. The 2012 strip was set in 2012

    Near the end of that year, Jane and Dorothy found Jane’s lost Uncle Otis, or perhaps his spirit, and drove him through a time portal (which looked just like the Marin County tunnel…) back to 1967 San Francisco, where they left him…and also found the “hippie chick”, Starr.

    On the way home, they accidentally drove HER back to 2012.So… Starr has never existed in any years between 1967 and 2012.

    Then sometime in April, 2013, Jane and Ethan started talking about Dixie….and remembering the floral couch, and Ethan and Dixie’s break-up…and we saw those strips again in flashback.

    I think it had actually happened in 2006 around the time I started reading …(and THAT flashback included a brief, farther flashback to Jill and Chelle in Nevada (?) even before that.)

    That’s also when we saw Dixie get abducted, and say “not again.”… but it happened in 2006, not 2013.

    Then, I’m not exactly sure when, but a month or two later maybe, we flashed back to BEFORE Dixie, to 2005… we saw Jane and Talia go to a furries convention with 2005 banners hanging…

    Ever since then, AFAIK, we’ve been in 2005.

    If we’ve read the strip through the years, we know that Jane and Dorothy will get together and break up several times, and Jane and Skye, as well….There will be all sorts of plot twists, including the months-long Last Starfighter parody…and BTW parody is NOT “rip-off!”

    But right now, in 2005, NONE of that has happened yet!

    I’m not exactly sure …. anybody?…. but I think right now we’re seeing Dixie during her first abduction…the one she refers to when she’s beamed up AGAIN after walking out on Ethan. I don’t think I ever saw the beginning of that arc… or it’s a memory lapse.

    And… again…. the hippie chick won’t exist until or unless we get back to 2013 in Jane’s life.

    She completely skipped 2005 and 2006 in her own life.

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  3. Missing large
    david black Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    ok thanks Susan, and when I wrote ‘rip-off’ the other day, it was cause i could not think of the word "parody’ -so -sorry about that – while some of this is fun, would really like to have some of these storys tied up – am sure that a few are interrealated – like is Ted, the hubby to the Truck driver woman, and could he be Chelle’s – adoptive parrent ?

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    David…. LOL… I couldn’t remember who said it … but others have too…or mentioned lawsuits… when parody is perfectly fair use under the law, and bread and butter for such as Mad Magazine and SNL.

    As for tying up storylines…you’re talking about NINE YEARS of strips… 2005 to 2014… a zillion convoluted plots…which you can read in the books…and some are in the archives….They’re not all going to be wrapped up in a few months of flashbacks…. especially if Paige finally gets time to do new work set in the present day, and stops the re-runs.

    If that happens, though…. maybe Starr will come back…and people can stop asking about a brief, minor character.

    And if it doesn’t happen…all the questions will eventually be answered in the next nine years of “Classic Jane,” a great read or re-read.

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    jeanandrick  almost 11 years ago

    nice helmet

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    david black Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    want to buy those, but want to put on my nook instead of having oversized collections again, had a lot of doonsbury and others over the years and they all seem to take up a lot of space in book shelf – any word of these being in an electronic format?

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    Malcolm Hall  almost 11 years ago

    I love the juxtaposition of the two “hottie” statements.

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  8. Ic6
    karanne  almost 11 years ago

    Oh, yeah, a motorcycle mama that doesn’t weigh 300#!!

    Gawd, I miss my Harley Sportster!

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  9. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Night — that won’t help…. unless new strips start up, or you want to keep those notes for years.Just read my post!

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  10. Tdk man in chair
    klunker rider  almost 11 years ago

    Tony Stewarts a hottie? errrrr not so much LOL

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