"I need one more person on my social media site to put me at one hundred friends. How are you with zeros Wayne?"
I don’t think I get it. She has 10 friends and him being 0 makes it 100?
She probably needs Wayne as “one” and her two zero friends are 100 !
I think she already has 99 friends and looking to Wayne to be 100. Her concern is if he can handle hanging with 2 zeros.
August 30, 2014
marauderdeuce about 11 years ago
I don’t think I get it. She has 10 friends and him being 0 makes it 100?
FUNG1 about 11 years ago
She probably needs Wayne as “one” and her two zero friends are 100 !
keypadkid about 11 years ago
I think she already has 99 friends and looking to Wayne to be 100. Her concern is if he can handle hanging with 2 zeros.